Cheap As Chips Personal Development Protocol
A real personal development protocol backed by anecdotes and science. Learn how to get out of a slump the easy way...
A real personal development protocol backed by anecdotes and science. Learn how to get out of a slump the easy way...
This protocol is not any way ideal for every single person.
It is designed for willing people with a spark of desire who want consistent AND adaptable growth in their lives.
In fact, this is the same protocol I utilized to create tremendous change in my own life, albeit, a redacted version. The results were tracked with Obsidian, a tool I use for all of my writing.
If you want to hit 30, 60, 90 streaks of micro-habits and getting more fulfillment throughout your day, then THIS is the simplest protocol to do it.
Grab my Cheap As Chips Protocol Accountability Tracker file below to be diligent with your growth.
Download Cheap As Chips Protocol Accountability Tracker
Then continue reading to find the most optimal way to use it and scale your daily progress from actionable decisions.
Cheap As Chips Protocol: Forward-Focused Actionable Personal Development (Without Confusion)
Supplementation, biohacking, meditation, time management… these are all incredibly important aspects to consider for long term growth. Yet, nothing beats a simple system with compounding results, that delivers expectable outcomes daily.
Here's what it looks like as a graphic:
Ask any current personal development guru or motivational speaker how to get progress in life and they'll most likely tell you something like this:
Find your purpose (as if that's something that's easy to come by)
Follow your passion (as if our interests are not always susceptible to change)
Take my course (as if we are likely to learn something new from it)
This is old news. Yes, there's definitely pliable wisdom in the simple expressions, as old as time - but they are not effective in isolation.
The pressure for progress or achievement is so voracious now due to social media, you could things that make you feel like you're growing for months but never actually see results. It's like going to a gym to lose weight, but you're still eating more than you need to, body recomposition is the likely outcome.
And even if you do figure out how to find your purpose, follow your passion - it's very rarely permanent, people change and they change often.
The Simple Steps To Using "Cheap As Chips Protocol" To Get Expected Results That Create Even More Results
There are only a handful of steps needed to execute effectively with the Cheap As Chips protocol.
Develop a minimum viable writing habit
Stop looking, start finding
Millitant Mindset & Paradoxical Objectivity
Below is a deeper look into how each part of the protocol works. But first let me tell you what all of this has to do with cheap chips.
Have you ever gone grocery shopping and have a desire to buy chips, only to come across an entire isle of different color packs, sizes, flavors and shapes.
They're all comparatively cheap (may not be the case in the western society), but you still don't buy all of them. You'll regret that if you do. You choose the chips on subconscious level, it's rarely conscious.
And that just may be the problem. The more chips you buy, the more choice paralyzed you are.
What you are doing in this protocol is reducing the thousands of ways to develop yourself into a small set of decisions, which are cheaper than chips, because they are just free. You get yourself to experience micro-victories, one chip at a time, and the whole bag will be done by no time.
Once you've built a mountain of evidence, you will have hundreds of proofs to yourself that you can make changes in your life, converting them into life-altering paradigms that occur once or even multiple times a year.
Bonus: I put together a accountability tracker and list of most effective personal development habits that we use in the Cheap As Chips protocol. You can get access to it for free inside this Cheap as Chips protocol file.
Step 1: Build Your Minimum Viable Accountability Set
Personal Development Category
Personal development category is the organized grouping of microhabits or effective decisions that you will use to drive consistent, compounding results in your daily life. Here's what they are and how to do it:
First and foremost, you need to get a sense of which sort of aspects of your life you want to enhance. These are the big personal development cateogories in the middle of your other choices these will outline the bulk of your decisions with microhabits. For instance, you want to focus on health to feel better throughout your daily life. In that case I'd take a look at and create a list of short measurable goals/decisions that are relevant to this category of life.
I only use 2 simple criteria to determine which category I should place my primary emphasis on:
Any category I am neglecting or have been in a slump over
This is not a hard rule, but a general sense of what you want to lean into. Some thing are more worthwhile investing in over others, and most of the time - it's the things we've been neglecting, scared or slumped over. Anything less than painful to you, it will be not as productive or rewarding to deal with.
Any category that has a high likelihood to give me noticeable results
I give every category on the list a "likeliness to reward" rating (you can use any scale you like). We are not going to live forever, so it's imperative that you invest your time in things that will benefit you the most, and the world around you.
Now I have a general sense of the development aspects I want to attribute my time to, these should be prioritized by how likely they are to reward you.
The easiest way to create this list is to simply use what I already made for you. It's a simple excel sheet which you can search and organize as you see fit. Another good way to go about this is to use the old keyword google trick that marketeres use.
If you are seaerching for somethign related to health, type in Google "Health Z" the next letter can be any letter. Google autocomplete will show you ideas.
To come up with the list above, I used the same method to add more depth to generic categories, like brain or relationship. Here's an example of how I found the "this" and "that".
Now let's think for a second that I found "fitness stretching" has a great likelihood to reward me in the short term, but also the long term. In that case, I'd start by building out clusters of actions around it, this way you can predetermine your highest leverage taks that are directly related to fitness stretching.
Categories like "fitness stretching, etc, etc,. Here's what my list looks like:
For the greatest of outcomes in your journey of personal growth, you will need to accomodate embodied fefinitive action so that you can take on your small steps with great intent; this also ensures that whatever you do is releated to the chosen category of your growth interest. For the idea of fitness stretching as the previous example, because we discovered that it has the greatest likelihood to reward you in the short and longer term - it's a good thing to pursue.
In order to develop and impleent this into your cheap as chips prootocol, you will need to incur a set of cluster of actios. These are similar to differnet flavors in a mixed bag of chips, each of which contriutes to the ooverall success of whatever you are doing. You rlist of actions can look something likethis:
list of steps
Each of thest actions is fully involved anr realted tot he stretching and be easily added to your routine of daily exervise. These are your highest leveler chips, cheap as chips options, simple, accessibel, effective and done consistently.
Why doe sthis work so well?
Well, the simplciity of the cheap as chips is the critical aspect of achieving that which you think is necessary. Life's compexity is in the beauty of its simplicity, when examining the details under great magnitudude we realize that cheap as chips method gets more compilciated, teh fruther you get from the actual chip.
P. S Funny note
There's no partoclary reason why I came up with this cheap as chips method, I simply wanted to write about my approach to simple personal development and I had a buddy send me over a video of Cole palmer talking abouth is favorite post game meal, and he had mentioned "Chippy chips"/.
Step 3: Mindset Principles
One if not the most important of parts of the cheap as chips development protocol is the nature of mindsets. In terms of performance, by two differnet people in the same set of circumstances (dsiregarding genetics, life experiences, etc) if they were identical in terms of capability, the most important differentiating factor in their output is their mindset.
Rule 1: Want and Want are not the same.
The degree to which, and the strength of intent towards a goal or outcome - in essence, the desire or want of somebody is not equal. Because I want to write this book, that doesn't mean you want to write this book. And if you did, and I did, the degree to which I want it wouldn't be equal to yours. If I want it more, it's almost certain that my results will be better. I will show up better, I will do more, and I will have staying power.
It's the same word, but it has different meainings in the context of another person. The real WANT is an intended action, it is not a wish. And even bigger want is the actual action, not just the intention to act.
Rule 2: 10/10 At All Times
When you are tackling a task of any importance in context to your purpose, goal or achievement - you have to have a 10/10 mindset. You don't need to pretend, you simply need to figure out how to use self-talk, thinking to instantly switch into this being. Even if it doesn't live up to being 10/10 on a feeling basis, you need to think you are 10/10. You need to embody whatever this thinking is and be 10/10.
This means you are:
This applies to any task at hand, whether it's social or solo. If you are writing a book, you trigger like a switch that you are 10/10 right now, and you write. If you are going on a date, you are 10/10 - you already got the girl. If you are going in a meeting, you already said what you needed to say. You don't need to visualize anything, if you are visualzing that you already did it or achieved it, you didn't achieve or do it. You either did, or you didn't. You don't need to think about it.
This is a full-body embodied action. This is the simplest most profoudn piece of my If > Then Protocol. It's the foundation on which you build everything in your life. If you feel like shit, you are 10/10 - no question about it. Get it done, because you already did.
Rule 3: I Believe I Can Change
Without seeing for yourself the capacity to change, the ability to adapt, there is no change that's significant. Regardless if you see or recognize it, change is constant. The question is can you affect that change, can you believe that you can change yourself?
It's very simple, brothers and sisters. What good is there to jump from these states of mind? You either can change or you cannot. It's quite binary, and it will affect the way you show up in the world, now and forever. You need to make this decisions, day in and day out.
People who don't take any responsibility in their personal lives are the same people that don't believe this can change. Sure, there are things we see as constants in our identity, but the person you are today as an adult is not the sam person you were as a teenager. It's possible that you are living out that self, or forms of its activity because people usually seek out what's known and comfortable in search of usual feelings.
We make ourselves feel bad, because we've felt so bad for so long - we already enjoy it. We delve into the sadness, we romanticize it, but we can also hate it at the same time. And every time, we step out of it, it has an allure that pulls you in, it's almost an all-too powerful magnet. It isn't done with you, it needs you as much as you need it.
Rule 4: I Wonder What Can Happen
This rule goes in line with the I believe I can change one, if you cannot believ eyou can change or you don't have the curiosity to support it, there is notjing for you. Yeah, you can believe you can change, so what?
IF you are not taking on teh world with a 10/10 mindset that's supported by a will and almost-childlike curiosity for trying new things, what is there to ahppen? Do you wodner what can happen? Do you ever wonder waht you're made of?
have you ever went for a run in teh rain to test yourself? Have you ever approached that girl and see what happens? Did you ever buy your mom flowers and see how it changes her day? Did you ever tell your father you loved him? Did you ever hug somebody when they were sad, and have them crvy on your shoulder?
Do you wonder what will happen? Are you open to the possibilities? You have no fuckign clue what will happen, but are you willing to allow tjhe darkness to enter, to emrbace teh unknown - to ride the wave.
Well, if you are not, you are definitely not going to get any personal development. There's nothing for you without this atttitude.
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Option 1
2 окт. 2024 г.
Cheap As Chips Personal Development Protocol
A real personal development protocol backed by anecdotes and science. Learn how to get out of a slump the easy way...
This protocol is not any way ideal for every single person.
It is designed for willing people with a spark of desire who want consistent AND adaptable growth in their lives.
In fact, this is the same protocol I utilized to create tremendous change in my own life, albeit, a redacted version. The results were tracked with Obsidian, a tool I use for all of my writing.
If you want to hit 30, 60, 90 streaks of micro-habits and getting more fulfillment throughout your day, then THIS is the simplest protocol to do it.
Grab my Cheap As Chips Protocol Accountability Tracker file below to be diligent with your growth.
Download Cheap As Chips Protocol Accountability Tracker
Then continue reading to find the most optimal way to use it and scale your daily progress from actionable decisions.
Cheap As Chips Protocol: Forward-Focused Actionable Personal Development (Without Confusion)
Supplementation, biohacking, meditation, time management… these are all incredibly important aspects to consider for long term growth. Yet, nothing beats a simple system with compounding results, that delivers expectable outcomes daily.
Here's what it looks like as a graphic:
Ask any current personal development guru or motivational speaker how to get progress in life and they'll most likely tell you something like this:
Find your purpose (as if that's something that's easy to come by)
Follow your passion (as if our interests are not always susceptible to change)
Take my course (as if we are likely to learn something new from it)
This is old news. Yes, there's definitely pliable wisdom in the simple expressions, as old as time - but they are not effective in isolation.
The pressure for progress or achievement is so voracious now due to social media, you could things that make you feel like you're growing for months but never actually see results. It's like going to a gym to lose weight, but you're still eating more than you need to, body recomposition is the likely outcome.
And even if you do figure out how to find your purpose, follow your passion - it's very rarely permanent, people change and they change often.
The Simple Steps To Using "Cheap As Chips Protocol" To Get Expected Results That Create Even More Results
There are only a handful of steps needed to execute effectively with the Cheap As Chips protocol.
Develop a minimum viable writing habit
Stop looking, start finding
Millitant Mindset & Paradoxical Objectivity
Below is a deeper look into how each part of the protocol works. But first let me tell you what all of this has to do with cheap chips.
Have you ever gone grocery shopping and have a desire to buy chips, only to come across an entire isle of different color packs, sizes, flavors and shapes.
They're all comparatively cheap (may not be the case in the western society), but you still don't buy all of them. You'll regret that if you do. You choose the chips on subconscious level, it's rarely conscious.
And that just may be the problem. The more chips you buy, the more choice paralyzed you are.
What you are doing in this protocol is reducing the thousands of ways to develop yourself into a small set of decisions, which are cheaper than chips, because they are just free. You get yourself to experience micro-victories, one chip at a time, and the whole bag will be done by no time.
Once you've built a mountain of evidence, you will have hundreds of proofs to yourself that you can make changes in your life, converting them into life-altering paradigms that occur once or even multiple times a year.
Bonus: I put together a accountability tracker and list of most effective personal development habits that we use in the Cheap As Chips protocol. You can get access to it for free inside this Cheap as Chips protocol file.
Step 1: Build Your Minimum Viable Accountability Set
Personal Development Category
Personal development category is the organized grouping of microhabits or effective decisions that you will use to drive consistent, compounding results in your daily life. Here's what they are and how to do it:
First and foremost, you need to get a sense of which sort of aspects of your life you want to enhance. These are the big personal development cateogories in the middle of your other choices these will outline the bulk of your decisions with microhabits. For instance, you want to focus on health to feel better throughout your daily life. In that case I'd take a look at and create a list of short measurable goals/decisions that are relevant to this category of life.
I only use 2 simple criteria to determine which category I should place my primary emphasis on:
Any category I am neglecting or have been in a slump over
This is not a hard rule, but a general sense of what you want to lean into. Some thing are more worthwhile investing in over others, and most of the time - it's the things we've been neglecting, scared or slumped over. Anything less than painful to you, it will be not as productive or rewarding to deal with.
Any category that has a high likelihood to give me noticeable results
I give every category on the list a "likeliness to reward" rating (you can use any scale you like). We are not going to live forever, so it's imperative that you invest your time in things that will benefit you the most, and the world around you.
Now I have a general sense of the development aspects I want to attribute my time to, these should be prioritized by how likely they are to reward you.
The easiest way to create this list is to simply use what I already made for you. It's a simple excel sheet which you can search and organize as you see fit. Another good way to go about this is to use the old keyword google trick that marketeres use.
If you are seaerching for somethign related to health, type in Google "Health Z" the next letter can be any letter. Google autocomplete will show you ideas.
To come up with the list above, I used the same method to add more depth to generic categories, like brain or relationship. Here's an example of how I found the "this" and "that".
Now let's think for a second that I found "fitness stretching" has a great likelihood to reward me in the short term, but also the long term. In that case, I'd start by building out clusters of actions around it, this way you can predetermine your highest leverage taks that are directly related to fitness stretching.
Categories like "fitness stretching, etc, etc,. Here's what my list looks like:
For the greatest of outcomes in your journey of personal growth, you will need to accomodate embodied fefinitive action so that you can take on your small steps with great intent; this also ensures that whatever you do is releated to the chosen category of your growth interest. For the idea of fitness stretching as the previous example, because we discovered that it has the greatest likelihood to reward you in the short and longer term - it's a good thing to pursue.
In order to develop and impleent this into your cheap as chips prootocol, you will need to incur a set of cluster of actios. These are similar to differnet flavors in a mixed bag of chips, each of which contriutes to the ooverall success of whatever you are doing. You rlist of actions can look something likethis:
list of steps
Each of thest actions is fully involved anr realted tot he stretching and be easily added to your routine of daily exervise. These are your highest leveler chips, cheap as chips options, simple, accessibel, effective and done consistently.
Why doe sthis work so well?
Well, the simplciity of the cheap as chips is the critical aspect of achieving that which you think is necessary. Life's compexity is in the beauty of its simplicity, when examining the details under great magnitudude we realize that cheap as chips method gets more compilciated, teh fruther you get from the actual chip.
P. S Funny note
There's no partoclary reason why I came up with this cheap as chips method, I simply wanted to write about my approach to simple personal development and I had a buddy send me over a video of Cole palmer talking abouth is favorite post game meal, and he had mentioned "Chippy chips"/.
Step 3: Mindset Principles
One if not the most important of parts of the cheap as chips development protocol is the nature of mindsets. In terms of performance, by two differnet people in the same set of circumstances (dsiregarding genetics, life experiences, etc) if they were identical in terms of capability, the most important differentiating factor in their output is their mindset.
Rule 1: Want and Want are not the same.
The degree to which, and the strength of intent towards a goal or outcome - in essence, the desire or want of somebody is not equal. Because I want to write this book, that doesn't mean you want to write this book. And if you did, and I did, the degree to which I want it wouldn't be equal to yours. If I want it more, it's almost certain that my results will be better. I will show up better, I will do more, and I will have staying power.
It's the same word, but it has different meainings in the context of another person. The real WANT is an intended action, it is not a wish. And even bigger want is the actual action, not just the intention to act.
Rule 2: 10/10 At All Times
When you are tackling a task of any importance in context to your purpose, goal or achievement - you have to have a 10/10 mindset. You don't need to pretend, you simply need to figure out how to use self-talk, thinking to instantly switch into this being. Even if it doesn't live up to being 10/10 on a feeling basis, you need to think you are 10/10. You need to embody whatever this thinking is and be 10/10.
This means you are:
This applies to any task at hand, whether it's social or solo. If you are writing a book, you trigger like a switch that you are 10/10 right now, and you write. If you are going on a date, you are 10/10 - you already got the girl. If you are going in a meeting, you already said what you needed to say. You don't need to visualize anything, if you are visualzing that you already did it or achieved it, you didn't achieve or do it. You either did, or you didn't. You don't need to think about it.
This is a full-body embodied action. This is the simplest most profoudn piece of my If > Then Protocol. It's the foundation on which you build everything in your life. If you feel like shit, you are 10/10 - no question about it. Get it done, because you already did.
Rule 3: I Believe I Can Change
Without seeing for yourself the capacity to change, the ability to adapt, there is no change that's significant. Regardless if you see or recognize it, change is constant. The question is can you affect that change, can you believe that you can change yourself?
It's very simple, brothers and sisters. What good is there to jump from these states of mind? You either can change or you cannot. It's quite binary, and it will affect the way you show up in the world, now and forever. You need to make this decisions, day in and day out.
People who don't take any responsibility in their personal lives are the same people that don't believe this can change. Sure, there are things we see as constants in our identity, but the person you are today as an adult is not the sam person you were as a teenager. It's possible that you are living out that self, or forms of its activity because people usually seek out what's known and comfortable in search of usual feelings.
We make ourselves feel bad, because we've felt so bad for so long - we already enjoy it. We delve into the sadness, we romanticize it, but we can also hate it at the same time. And every time, we step out of it, it has an allure that pulls you in, it's almost an all-too powerful magnet. It isn't done with you, it needs you as much as you need it.
Rule 4: I Wonder What Can Happen
This rule goes in line with the I believe I can change one, if you cannot believ eyou can change or you don't have the curiosity to support it, there is notjing for you. Yeah, you can believe you can change, so what?
IF you are not taking on teh world with a 10/10 mindset that's supported by a will and almost-childlike curiosity for trying new things, what is there to ahppen? Do you wodner what can happen? Do you ever wonder waht you're made of?
have you ever went for a run in teh rain to test yourself? Have you ever approached that girl and see what happens? Did you ever buy your mom flowers and see how it changes her day? Did you ever tell your father you loved him? Did you ever hug somebody when they were sad, and have them crvy on your shoulder?
Do you wonder what will happen? Are you open to the possibilities? You have no fuckign clue what will happen, but are you willing to allow tjhe darkness to enter, to emrbace teh unknown - to ride the wave.
Well, if you are not, you are definitely not going to get any personal development. There's nothing for you without this atttitude.
Option 1
2 окт. 2024 г.
Cheap As Chips Personal Development Protocol
A real personal development protocol backed by anecdotes and science. Learn how to get out of a slump the easy way...
This protocol is not any way ideal for every single person.
It is designed for willing people with a spark of desire who want consistent AND adaptable growth in their lives.
In fact, this is the same protocol I utilized to create tremendous change in my own life, albeit, a redacted version. The results were tracked with Obsidian, a tool I use for all of my writing.
If you want to hit 30, 60, 90 streaks of micro-habits and getting more fulfillment throughout your day, then THIS is the simplest protocol to do it.
Grab my Cheap As Chips Protocol Accountability Tracker file below to be diligent with your growth.
Download Cheap As Chips Protocol Accountability Tracker
Then continue reading to find the most optimal way to use it and scale your daily progress from actionable decisions.
Cheap As Chips Protocol: Forward-Focused Actionable Personal Development (Without Confusion)
Supplementation, biohacking, meditation, time management… these are all incredibly important aspects to consider for long term growth. Yet, nothing beats a simple system with compounding results, that delivers expectable outcomes daily.
Here's what it looks like as a graphic:
Ask any current personal development guru or motivational speaker how to get progress in life and they'll most likely tell you something like this:
Find your purpose (as if that's something that's easy to come by)
Follow your passion (as if our interests are not always susceptible to change)
Take my course (as if we are likely to learn something new from it)
This is old news. Yes, there's definitely pliable wisdom in the simple expressions, as old as time - but they are not effective in isolation.
The pressure for progress or achievement is so voracious now due to social media, you could things that make you feel like you're growing for months but never actually see results. It's like going to a gym to lose weight, but you're still eating more than you need to, body recomposition is the likely outcome.
And even if you do figure out how to find your purpose, follow your passion - it's very rarely permanent, people change and they change often.
The Simple Steps To Using "Cheap As Chips Protocol" To Get Expected Results That Create Even More Results
There are only a handful of steps needed to execute effectively with the Cheap As Chips protocol.
Develop a minimum viable writing habit
Stop looking, start finding
Millitant Mindset & Paradoxical Objectivity
Below is a deeper look into how each part of the protocol works. But first let me tell you what all of this has to do with cheap chips.
Have you ever gone grocery shopping and have a desire to buy chips, only to come across an entire isle of different color packs, sizes, flavors and shapes.
They're all comparatively cheap (may not be the case in the western society), but you still don't buy all of them. You'll regret that if you do. You choose the chips on subconscious level, it's rarely conscious.
And that just may be the problem. The more chips you buy, the more choice paralyzed you are.
What you are doing in this protocol is reducing the thousands of ways to develop yourself into a small set of decisions, which are cheaper than chips, because they are just free. You get yourself to experience micro-victories, one chip at a time, and the whole bag will be done by no time.
Once you've built a mountain of evidence, you will have hundreds of proofs to yourself that you can make changes in your life, converting them into life-altering paradigms that occur once or even multiple times a year.
Bonus: I put together a accountability tracker and list of most effective personal development habits that we use in the Cheap As Chips protocol. You can get access to it for free inside this Cheap as Chips protocol file.
Step 1: Build Your Minimum Viable Accountability Set
Personal Development Category
Personal development category is the organized grouping of microhabits or effective decisions that you will use to drive consistent, compounding results in your daily life. Here's what they are and how to do it:
First and foremost, you need to get a sense of which sort of aspects of your life you want to enhance. These are the big personal development cateogories in the middle of your other choices these will outline the bulk of your decisions with microhabits. For instance, you want to focus on health to feel better throughout your daily life. In that case I'd take a look at and create a list of short measurable goals/decisions that are relevant to this category of life.
I only use 2 simple criteria to determine which category I should place my primary emphasis on:
Any category I am neglecting or have been in a slump over
This is not a hard rule, but a general sense of what you want to lean into. Some thing are more worthwhile investing in over others, and most of the time - it's the things we've been neglecting, scared or slumped over. Anything less than painful to you, it will be not as productive or rewarding to deal with.
Any category that has a high likelihood to give me noticeable results
I give every category on the list a "likeliness to reward" rating (you can use any scale you like). We are not going to live forever, so it's imperative that you invest your time in things that will benefit you the most, and the world around you.
Now I have a general sense of the development aspects I want to attribute my time to, these should be prioritized by how likely they are to reward you.
The easiest way to create this list is to simply use what I already made for you. It's a simple excel sheet which you can search and organize as you see fit. Another good way to go about this is to use the old keyword google trick that marketeres use.
If you are seaerching for somethign related to health, type in Google "Health Z" the next letter can be any letter. Google autocomplete will show you ideas.
To come up with the list above, I used the same method to add more depth to generic categories, like brain or relationship. Here's an example of how I found the "this" and "that".
Now let's think for a second that I found "fitness stretching" has a great likelihood to reward me in the short term, but also the long term. In that case, I'd start by building out clusters of actions around it, this way you can predetermine your highest leverage taks that are directly related to fitness stretching.
Categories like "fitness stretching, etc, etc,. Here's what my list looks like:
For the greatest of outcomes in your journey of personal growth, you will need to accomodate embodied fefinitive action so that you can take on your small steps with great intent; this also ensures that whatever you do is releated to the chosen category of your growth interest. For the idea of fitness stretching as the previous example, because we discovered that it has the greatest likelihood to reward you in the short and longer term - it's a good thing to pursue.
In order to develop and impleent this into your cheap as chips prootocol, you will need to incur a set of cluster of actios. These are similar to differnet flavors in a mixed bag of chips, each of which contriutes to the ooverall success of whatever you are doing. You rlist of actions can look something likethis:
list of steps
Each of thest actions is fully involved anr realted tot he stretching and be easily added to your routine of daily exervise. These are your highest leveler chips, cheap as chips options, simple, accessibel, effective and done consistently.
Why doe sthis work so well?
Well, the simplciity of the cheap as chips is the critical aspect of achieving that which you think is necessary. Life's compexity is in the beauty of its simplicity, when examining the details under great magnitudude we realize that cheap as chips method gets more compilciated, teh fruther you get from the actual chip.
P. S Funny note
There's no partoclary reason why I came up with this cheap as chips method, I simply wanted to write about my approach to simple personal development and I had a buddy send me over a video of Cole palmer talking abouth is favorite post game meal, and he had mentioned "Chippy chips"/.
Step 3: Mindset Principles
One if not the most important of parts of the cheap as chips development protocol is the nature of mindsets. In terms of performance, by two differnet people in the same set of circumstances (dsiregarding genetics, life experiences, etc) if they were identical in terms of capability, the most important differentiating factor in their output is their mindset.
Rule 1: Want and Want are not the same.
The degree to which, and the strength of intent towards a goal or outcome - in essence, the desire or want of somebody is not equal. Because I want to write this book, that doesn't mean you want to write this book. And if you did, and I did, the degree to which I want it wouldn't be equal to yours. If I want it more, it's almost certain that my results will be better. I will show up better, I will do more, and I will have staying power.
It's the same word, but it has different meainings in the context of another person. The real WANT is an intended action, it is not a wish. And even bigger want is the actual action, not just the intention to act.
Rule 2: 10/10 At All Times
When you are tackling a task of any importance in context to your purpose, goal or achievement - you have to have a 10/10 mindset. You don't need to pretend, you simply need to figure out how to use self-talk, thinking to instantly switch into this being. Even if it doesn't live up to being 10/10 on a feeling basis, you need to think you are 10/10. You need to embody whatever this thinking is and be 10/10.
This means you are:
This applies to any task at hand, whether it's social or solo. If you are writing a book, you trigger like a switch that you are 10/10 right now, and you write. If you are going on a date, you are 10/10 - you already got the girl. If you are going in a meeting, you already said what you needed to say. You don't need to visualize anything, if you are visualzing that you already did it or achieved it, you didn't achieve or do it. You either did, or you didn't. You don't need to think about it.
This is a full-body embodied action. This is the simplest most profoudn piece of my If > Then Protocol. It's the foundation on which you build everything in your life. If you feel like shit, you are 10/10 - no question about it. Get it done, because you already did.
Rule 3: I Believe I Can Change
Without seeing for yourself the capacity to change, the ability to adapt, there is no change that's significant. Regardless if you see or recognize it, change is constant. The question is can you affect that change, can you believe that you can change yourself?
It's very simple, brothers and sisters. What good is there to jump from these states of mind? You either can change or you cannot. It's quite binary, and it will affect the way you show up in the world, now and forever. You need to make this decisions, day in and day out.
People who don't take any responsibility in their personal lives are the same people that don't believe this can change. Sure, there are things we see as constants in our identity, but the person you are today as an adult is not the sam person you were as a teenager. It's possible that you are living out that self, or forms of its activity because people usually seek out what's known and comfortable in search of usual feelings.
We make ourselves feel bad, because we've felt so bad for so long - we already enjoy it. We delve into the sadness, we romanticize it, but we can also hate it at the same time. And every time, we step out of it, it has an allure that pulls you in, it's almost an all-too powerful magnet. It isn't done with you, it needs you as much as you need it.
Rule 4: I Wonder What Can Happen
This rule goes in line with the I believe I can change one, if you cannot believ eyou can change or you don't have the curiosity to support it, there is notjing for you. Yeah, you can believe you can change, so what?
IF you are not taking on teh world with a 10/10 mindset that's supported by a will and almost-childlike curiosity for trying new things, what is there to ahppen? Do you wodner what can happen? Do you ever wonder waht you're made of?
have you ever went for a run in teh rain to test yourself? Have you ever approached that girl and see what happens? Did you ever buy your mom flowers and see how it changes her day? Did you ever tell your father you loved him? Did you ever hug somebody when they were sad, and have them crvy on your shoulder?
Do you wonder what will happen? Are you open to the possibilities? You have no fuckign clue what will happen, but are you willing to allow tjhe darkness to enter, to emrbace teh unknown - to ride the wave.
Well, if you are not, you are definitely not going to get any personal development. There's nothing for you without this atttitude.